We start with b1.9-p5 solely because a version of MCP was released for it. This and other historical MCP versions can be found on the Minecraft Wiki, and a direct download can be found here.
In these versions of Minecraft, the maximum enchanting level was 50, and removing an item from the slot and re-adding it would refresh the available levels. This means that we will first want to determine how these levels are chosen, as it is obviously very different from modern Minecraft.
The relevant code is found in the onCraftMatrixChanged
function of the ContainerEnchantment
class, as named by MCP. This is one of only a handful of relevant functions that MCP names. From here on out, most function names I've assigned.
if(itemstack == null || !itemstack.is_enchantable()) { for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { chosen_xp_levels[i] = 0; } }
This code will clear out the xp levels in the table if the item isn't enchantable. This changes the appearance in the UI. If our item is enchantable, we continue with the following code.
int bookshelves = 0; for(int k = -1; k <= 1; k++) { for(int i1 = -1; i1 <= 1; i1++) { if(k == 0 && i1 == 0 || !the_world.isAirBlock(x + i1, y, z + k) || !the_world.isAirBlock(x + i1, y + 1, z + k)) { continue; } if(the_world.getBlockId(x + i1 * 2, y, z + k * 2) == Block.bookShelf.blockID) { bookshelves++; } if(the_world.getBlockId(x + i1 * 2, y + 1, z + k * 2) == Block.bookShelf.blockID) { bookshelves++; } if(i1 == 0 || k == 0) { continue; } if(the_world.getBlockId(x + i1 * 2, y, z + k) == Block.bookShelf.blockID) { bookshelves++; } if(the_world.getBlockId(x + i1 * 2, y + 1, z + k) == Block.bookShelf.blockID) { bookshelves++; } if(the_world.getBlockId(x + i1, y, z + k * 2) == Block.bookShelf.blockID) { bookshelves++; } if(the_world.getBlockId(x + i1, y + 1, z + k * 2) == Block.bookShelf.blockID) { bookshelves++; } } }
This code calculates how many bookshelves are around us. It does this by iterating over the 8 columns around the bookshelf. If either of the blocks in the column is not air, none of that column's bookshelves can count.
If they are air, then it checks the column coordinates with double the offset as the air column, and bookshelves in that column count towards the total. This counts corner bookshelves for corner air columns and side bookshelves for side air columns.
However, this leaves 8 columns unchecked, namely, those with an offset of (±2, ±1) or (±1, ±2) from the table. To check these, it uses the air corners and selectively doubles the offset for either x or z.
for(int ench_slot = 0; ench_slot < 3; ench_slot++) { chosen_xp_levels[ench_slot] = EnchantmentHelper.get_xp_offer(random, ench_slot, bookshelves, itemstack); }
We now populate the enchantment offers. To do so, we must switch over to the EnchantmentHelper
Item item = itemstack.getItem(); int k = item.enchantability(); if(k <= 0) { return 0; } if(bookshelves > 30) { bookshelves = 30; }
This code gets our item and the enchantability of the item. This enchantability will be positive for any enchantable item. If that enchantability isn't strictly positive, it's unenchantable and we stop. Otherwise, we cap out the number of bookshelves used for calculations at 30 (32 is possible, but 30 allows for a door to be added).
bookshelves = 1 + random.nextInt((bookshelves >> 1) + 1) + random.nextInt(bookshelves + 1); int xp_cost = random.nextInt(5) + bookshelves;
This is finally where the magic happens. We calculate a value xp_cost
from the number of bookshelves and some random integers. This code is fairly straightforward to understand (note that the >> 1
operator is equivalent to integer division by 2.)
if(ench_slot == 0) { return (xp_cost >> 1) + 1; } if(ench_slot == 1) { return (xp_cost * 2) / 3 + 1; } else { return xp_cost; }
We finally return the values shown to the player. If we're in the top slot, this value is l/2+1
, rounded down. The second slot gets 2/3*l + 1
, rounded down, and the botton slot gets just l
. Note that this is called seperately, with different random values, for each slot, so this fractional relationship isn't preserved for any one enchanting table offer, but should be for an overall average.
When a player clicks on a slot in the enchanting table, a function triggers in the ContainerEnchantment
ItemStack item_to_enchant = slot_ench_table.getStackInSlot(0); if(chosen_xp_levels[slot] > 0 && item_to_enchant != null && player.playerLevel >= chosen_xp_levels[slot]) { if(!the_world.multiplayerWorld) { List enchants = EnchantmentHelper.choose_enchants(random, item_to_enchant, chosen_xp_levels[slot]);
The first few lines of this code get the item, the xp levels to be consumed, and make some checks that the item can be enchanted. The multiplayer check is because this code is extracted from the client jar, and in multiplayer worlds, the server does the enchanting. The choose_enchants
function of the EnchantmentHelper
class then is called to find the valid enchantments.
Item item = itemstack.getItem(); int j = item.enchantability(); if(j <= 0) { return null; }
The first few lines are again just getting the item and a check that it is enchantable. We also store the enchantability in the variable j
. The enchantability of an item is defined as in the table below.
Material | Tool | Armor |
Wood/Leather | 15 | 15 |
Stone/Chain | 5 | 12 |
Iron | 14 | 9 |
Gold | 22 | 25 |
Diamond | 10 | 10 |
We then calculate an l
-value from this enchantability (which j
is initialized to), the xp cost calculated in the previous section, and some random values.
j = 1 + random.nextInt((j >> 1) + 1) + random.nextInt((j >> 1) + 1); int k = j + xp_cost; float f = ((random.nextFloat() + random.nextFloat()) - 1.0F) * 0.25F; int l = (int)((float)k * (1.0F + f) + 0.5F);
As you can see, the way this randomness is integrated is complicated, and so the resultant probability distribution is non-trivial. k
should follow a triangular distribution, as should f
, but I'm not certain what the resulting distribution of l
is. It is likely somewhat bell-shaped. I plan to add a tool to visualize it on this page in the future. We now switch to the get_valid_enchants
function in the same class.
Item item = itemstack.getItem(); HashMap hashmap = null; Enchantment aenchantment[] = Enchantment.enchants; int j = aenchantment.length; for(int k = 0; k < j; k++) { // Check every possible enchantment ID Enchantment enchantment = aenchantment[k]; if(enchantment == null || !enchantment.ench_type.matches_item(item)) { continue; } for(int ench_level = enchantment.min_level(); ench_level <= enchantment.max_level(); ench_level++) { if(l < enchantment.min_l_level(ench_level) || l > enchantment.max_l_level(ench_level)) { continue; } if(hashmap == null) { hashmap = new HashMap(); } hashmap.put(Integer.valueOf(enchantment.ench_id), new EnchantmentData(enchantment, ench_level)); } } return hashmap;
Ultimately, this just iterates over each possible function ID (0-255) and checks if that function exists. If it does exist, it iterates over all possible levels for that function (eg, Efficiency 1 - 5, Silk Touch 1). For each of those, it checks the get_min_levels
and get_max_levels
functions and checks that l
is within the bounds returned by those. In the code, these are defined Enchantment child classes by overriding two functions in the Enchantment class. Those bounds are described in the table below:
All enchantments where l
is within those limits are returned. It is worth re-iterating that those bounds are not bounds on the xp levels used, but the value which results from the levels used, the enchantability, and some random variables.